Stock Control and Purchases

Purchasing and inventory control tool for hospitality

Purchasing and inventory control in hotels and restaurants are key to the proper functioning of a bar, restaurant or cafeteria.

  • Web access from any platform (Android, IOS, Windows)
  • Warehouse Management APP
  • Providers
  • Warehouses
  • Unit of measure (purchasing units and inventory units)
  • Traceability (batch control, expiration)
  • Security level of minimum and maximum products product location
  • Transfer of warehouses
  • Stock adjustments

  • Requests
  • Delivery notes
  • Supplier invoices
  • Inventories
  • Losses
  • Scandals, recipes, allergens
  • Stock and purchase reports
  • Inventory valuation
  • Commercial sheets of suppliers
  • Discounts of each product

  • Automatic order to supplier based on minimum stock
  • Inventory APP
  • Cost price
  • Weighted average price
  • Scandal
  • Manufactures and elaborations
  • Orders pending to serve
  • Pending orders by warehouse

  • Control of invoices of delivery notes
  • History of movements by product based on inputs and outputs
  • Export of products to spreadsheets
  • Export reports to PDF
  • Notice of price changes on each purchase
  • Cost Price Update
  • Sales price update based on margin

Stock and Purchase Reports

  • Detailed entry by supplier: entry delivery note associated with a specific supplier in the warehouses
  • Purchases by supplier: purchases made from each supplier, including number of invoices, products purchased, total gross and net purchased
  • Purchase prices: shows detailed information on purchases made from a supplier in a range of dates, including units of measure, purchase conditions, if any, as well as the last purchase made for each product from said supplier

  • Purchases and sales by product: detailed information on the purchases and sales made for each product, including the units purchased, the units sold, as well as the expenses and income obtained from the sale and purchase of the product
  • Stock by product : detailed information on the stock of each product in sales units, as well as the price of the last entry of the product together with the valuation of the product in the warehouse taking into account the current stock and the last entry price
  • Supplier invoices

  • Purchase history: list of invoices with their accumulated totals
  • Movements by product: shows detailed information of all movements made by each product, including units purchased, units sold, inventory variations, stock variations and units consumed in manufacturing
  • Pending payments
  • Orders to receive
  • Loss assessment
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